Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chicken is here!

Hurray! Our long list of patient customers who ordered chicken are getting their orders filled, at long last! Are we ever thankful for your patience!

We are extremely pleased with our new hatchery that delivers us healthy, live chicks (Mount Healthy Hatchery) and to our new processor, Westminster Meats of VT! We can toot our horn here by now offering a full interstate trade legal USDA inspected product to all of our customers. No more reservations and deposits for both farmer and customer to keep track of. Chicken is now a standard stock item along with our USDA inspected beef. What we trade for this simplicity, will be swapped for some marketing "soothsaying". How many birds should we be growing, what will the demand be, will we have scores of new customers? If you are either a new or returning customer, you could help us by giving us some guidance as to how much you might want in 2011. We went through growing pains with our beef business; we've expanded production and our land base several times....from 20 acres and 4 animals to over 24 animals and over 150 acres, with all the necessary investments to make it all work. In our early years, we turned away many customers due to low stock. We are hoping to advance the curve by getting some insight on the poultry market so no one goes away empty handed.

The market season is winding down, and the farmer is getting some respite from the frantic pace of farming and markets and buying clubs! We will go into our shop this winter to fix the fleet of aging iron and we'll go into our office and do market research, customer outreach and planning for 2011. What did you like, or not like in 2010? Let us know!

We are looking forward to 2011 already!

Thank you for your business and support!

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